In this module you will learn about how to use the 3 approaches of fear, fun or both to create a personalised approach for you to motivate yourself. You will hear real life examples of how to apply these different approaches and reflect on the best way for you to fuel your motivational fire.

Let’s use an example of keeping fit and healthy. You don’t want to go to the gym or do your workout one day, so would you:

Use fear motivation?

Think of all the negatives of not going

  1. If you don’t go you could put on weight 
  2. You could become ill
  3. You will feel weak
  4. You won’t be flexible
  5. You will feel unconfident in your body
  6. You will be disappointed  in yourself
  7. You won’t be setting a good example for your children 
  8. You won’t be able to achieve your fitness goals 
  9. You won’t be moving closer towards how you want your body to be

Use fun motivation?

Think of all the benefits from going 

  1. You will be fitter
  2. You will be stronger 
  3. You will be more flexible
  4. You will have more energy
  5. You may live longer
  6. You will feel proud of yourself 
  7. You will have moved closer towards your goals
  8. You will be keeping up great habits
  9. You will be setting a great example for your children
  10. You will have moved your body closer to how you want it to be 

Use both?

You could alternatively use a combination of considering both the positives and the negatives to fully motivate yourself- rather than focusing on just fear or fun.  

Example one

Imagine that you have an old fashioned wood fire inside of you. If you add paper to it, it will burn. And if you wrote a number of positive words on the paper- such as happy, inspired, joyful- and put it into the fire, it would burn. But equally, if you wrote a number of negative words onto the paper, such as fear, anxiety, overwhelm, and put it on the fire, that too would burn. And so it is the same inside ourselves with our motivational fires. You can put anything into it- good or bad that happens in your life- and use it to feed your fire.

Example two

The second example comes from a client of ours who had a very ill parent.

Their parent was so ill that they had to be rushed to the hospital.  And because their family was on their most important list, our client immediately dropped everything to be there for their loved one. At the time, they did not feel positive emotions at all, their fire was fuel of fear, panic, concern and racing anxious thoughts. But they knew that this was ok, it was just the negative side of the motivational fire. All they had to do at that moment was to be there for their parent, they did not pressure themselves to have to feel good or be positive while they went through the experience.

Fortunately, their parent made a full recovery, and the person reflected that after going through such a difficult experience with someone who was so important to them, all of their business and day to day problems seemed so small and easy in comparison.

  • The person was able to use the negative situation with their parent to give them perspective on their lives and to feel grateful and happy that they were still with them.

  • This person fully demonstrated the power of using The 5 types of Motivation.

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